Advent, Week Two: Peace

Over the years, SOAR! has collected words of wisdom from many of the aging Catholic religious helped by your goodness and generosity. This Advent, we will be sharing some of these reflections on our blog.
All my life I’ve had a running dialogue with God: “Why don’t you give me time to carry out all the great ideas you send me?”
Two mantras sustained me: “Make peace with all that is unfinished” and “In the time You give me, You will make me ready.”
In the day-to-day, I rely on Saint Elizabeth Seton’s Spirit-filled advice: “Meet your grace.”
Sister Regina Bechtle, SC
Sisters of Charity of New York
Jesus, Source of Peace, it’s so easy to be overwhelmed with things to do. Grant me the peace to understand that I don’t need to do everything. Give me the wisdom of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and “meet the grace” you send me each day, to do what I can. Amen.