Advent Reflection
Advent, Week Four: Love
Advent Reflection, Treasured Prayers
|Over the years, SOAR! has collected words of wisdom from many of the aging Catholic religious helped by your goodness and generosity. This Advent, we will be sharing some of these reflections on our blog. “My spirit rejoices in God, my Savior…The Lord has done great things for me.” The most difficult but most essential…
Advent, Week Three: Joy
Advent Reflection, Treasured Prayers
|Over the years, SOAR! has collected words of wisdom from many of the aging Catholic religious helped by your goodness and generosity. This Advent, we will be sharing some of these reflections on our blog. Listen to the Word of the Lord in your heart, and you will find great joy. Sister Marie Beha, OSC…
Advent, Week Two: Peace
Advent Reflection, Treasured Prayers
|Over the years, SOAR! has collected words of wisdom from many of the aging Catholic religious helped by your goodness and generosity. This Advent, we will be sharing some of these reflections on our blog. All my life I’ve had a running dialogue with God: “Why don’t you give me time to carry out all…
Advent, Week One: Hope
Advent Reflection, Treasured Prayers
|A reflection for the first week of Advent.