First Communion Memories: Sister Ann Carol Kaufenberg, SSND
I remember most from my First Communion that my catechism teacher said we could ask Jesus for anything we wanted when we received Jesus for the first time. I asked for a baby. That winter my brother was born. It was amazing!
I remember the joy and the solemnity of the day. There were a few details I also remember: our pastor didn’t have white books for the girls, so I got a black communion prayer book. It was my joy and challenge to keep up with the priest in reading the Latin words as he said the Mass. My book was a wreck by the time I got out of grade school and we moved to the English Mass prayers. I just got the candle back from my 9- year-old mother that I received on that day. That is another treasured memory of invocations from my teacher to not burn the veil of the girl ahead of me!