Pearls of Wisdom: Persevere
Religious women and men have blessed our days with their wisdom and presence. They have nurtured and cared for us — mind, body, and soul. Today, they share their pearls of wisdom and offer their continued prayers for you.
Our Pearls of Wisdom series contains some wonderful insights from those whose communities have been blessed by the generous support of SOAR! donors and friends.
A Ukranian from Philadelphia, Sr. Perpetua Wawryk was among the first laysisters to enter this monastery and 65 years later, at age 89, she still works every day, folding and distributing laundry.
She counsels: Persevere! Work is a chance for me to be alone with God and ask Him to help me (I have only one good arm.)
Sister Perpetua Wawryk
Cistercians of the Strict Observance
Wrentham, Massachusetts
Visit our 30th anniversary page for additional pearls of wisdom.