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Sister Theresa Malloy, SSC

Sister Theresa Malloy, SSC

Sister Theresa Malloy, SSC found God’s purpose in life as a Missionary Sister of St. Columban for 57 years.

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Sister Miriam Cosgrove, OSB

Sister Miriam Cosgrove, OSB, joined the Benedictine Sisters of Florida in 1960. As she celebrates 55 years in religious life, she shares with SOAR! the joys of her vocation and her new ministry.

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Sister Agnes Cunningham

Born in Brooklyn, NY Sr. Agnes Cunningham, OP has been a Dominican Sister of Sparkill, New York since 1946.

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Sister Edmund McGourty, SA

With sparkling eyes, a welcoming smile, and radiating peace-filled joy, Sr. Edmund McGourty, SA draws everyone around her to experience the grace of God’s abundant love.

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Sister Marie Mathilde

For over 80 years, Sister Marie Mathilde, lsp, has lived a life of joy in service to God and others as a Little Sister of the Poor.

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Sister Madeline Dorsey

Maryknoll Sister Madeline “Maddie” Dorsey is filling the world with God’s love.

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