Sister St. Joseph Brennion, OSF
Sisters, Spotlight
|Sr. St. Joseph Brennion reflects on her “long, rich tramp with the Lord.”
Sister Marie Beha, OSC
Sisters, Spotlight
|When asked about her life as a Poor Clare, Sister Marie says, “It is a joy living with other women called to the same dedication.”
Sister Judith Thaddeus Piszyk, OSBM
Sisters, Spotlight
|Now 87, Sister Judith Thaddeus brings a smile to everyone’s face with her cheerfulness and humor.
Sister Rita Kane, SSJ
Sisters, Spotlight
|98 year young Sister Rita Kane, SSJ, shares her story and wisdom.
Sister Mary George Kissel, OSB
Sisters, Spotlight
|In her 76 years as a Sister of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana, Sister Mary George Kissel, OSB, has opened minds and changed lives. Read her story.
“I am the one who’s blessed.”
|With vibrant spirits and hearts full of love, the Josephites have faithfully fulfilled this mission since 1871.
Sister Kathleen Lindsay, OP
Sisters, Spotlight
|Sister Kathleen Lindsay, a Dominican Sister of Amityville, shares the story of her life in ministry.
Sister Tekakwitha Vega, SSF
Sisters, Spotlight
|Sister Tekakwitha, a Sister of the Holy Family in New Orleans, shares a reflection on her vocation and her thanks to SOAR! donors.
Sister Joan Buckley, RSM
Sisters, Spotlight
|Sister Joan Buckley began playing the piano at the age of six. Today, at the age of 85, she continues to play the organ at daily mass at McAuley Convent in Merion, PA, the retirement center where she lives with 48 other Sisters of Mercy.