Driving Sister Rosemary
Impact Stories, Sisters, Spotlight
|“The help our community received from SOAR! to purchase a handicap accessible van has helped me deal with being dependent.”
Sister Therese Marie Camardella, CSJ
Sisters, Spotlight
|“I entered the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1946 and throughout my seventy-two-year blessed journey with our Loving God, wonderful Sisters and many other companions, feel gratitude and praise for the wonder of it all.”
Celebrating a life of joyful service
Sisters, Spotlight
|As we celebrate religious life, SOAR! is happy to share the story of Sister Carol Loughney, who’s been part of SOAR! the past five years. Sixty years ago, in her first year of teaching, Sister Carol Loughney, IHM, worked in a small parish school on Long Island. She’ll always remember it: the pastor there was celebrating his…
Sister Betty Ann Maheu, MM
Sisters, Spotlight
|“Happiness can only be experienced through service and we are only able to make God’s Love visible in our world by serving and loving others. Everything we do in some way expresses Christ’s love for the poor and marginalized people in our world. That option has to be our option.” – Sister Betty Ann Maheu,…
Sister Raphael Speichinger, OSF
Sisters, Spotlight
|The wholesome scent of holiness permeates her everyday activities and is reflected not only in her smile, but through the faithful works of her hands.
Sister Stephanie Nolan, O.S.U.
Sisters, Spotlight
|“I continue to view aging as a gift and a call – as important as my first call to religious life.”
Father Simon Herbers, C.P.
|“He carries in his wallet the message the man sent him last Christmas: ‘I am grateful for you. You have brought me peace and showed me what it means to believe and live like Christ is inside you. Thank you for that.'”
Sister Mary Claire Weber, OP
Sisters, Spotlight
|Sister Mary Claire’s life was touched by the holy in many personal ways.
Sister Mary F. Shea, CSJ
Sisters, Spotlight
|“We are all family. If people could get to know Bethany, the way it is and the loving care we receive, it would make a difference in the attitudes of how nursing homes are perceived.”