Sister Loretta Lynch, OP

Sister Lorette Lynch, pictured in this photo from 1949 (back row, third from left) recently shared her story with SOAR!
What attracted you to become a Sister?
I was taught by the Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt in elementary school in the Bronx. From the time I was a child I always admired them for their kindness and the work they did. My older sister entered St. Dominic’s Convent in Blauvelt, and I wanted to follow in her footsteps.
And how long have you been a Sister? 75 years
What year did you enter? 1949
As you look at your years of faithful service, what has been your greatest joy?
My greatest joy was teaching and also serving as the principal at St. Raymond’s School and Sts. Philip and James School in the Bronx, and St. Mary’s School in Yonkers.
Your greatest challenge?
It was always very challenging as a teacher and a principal to keep everyone happy. It was important to me to be a good teacher and to make a difference in children’s lives. As a teacher, that was a challenge. As a principal, keeping the parents happy was often a challenge.
Each part of our life journey is touched by the holy, and we, in turn, are asked to bring Christ to others. Can you share such a moment from your life?
Preparing children for their First Holy Communion, watching them grow in their faith at such a young age, and witnessing them receive the Eucharist for the first time was such a blessing and so special.

The Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt received a grant from SOAR! for physical therapy equipment to help Sisters like Sr. Loretta maintain their strength and mobility.
Do you have a word of wisdom you’d like to share with people today?
Always follow your heart and follow your dreams. Becoming a sister was an easy decision for me. I knew from a young age that it was what I wanted, and I never had a single regret. I have loved all my years as a Blauvelt Dominican Sister.