Sister Marie de Paul Carter, SSJ

Sister Marie de Paul Carter professed her final vows as a Sister of St. Joseph of Buffalo in 1965. She describes herself as “a dedicated teacher among dedicated teachers.” Her ministry of special education to young children allowed her to play a significant role in their development.
Her rich experience in education includes The St. Joseph’s Home for Exceptional Children in Dunkirk, N.Y., Rochester (N.Y.) School for the Deaf; and the West Seneca (N.Y.) Developmental Center. Sister Marie de Paul diligently assisted her students with communication skills. She also conducted multiple teacher training seminars to meet the ever-evolving needs of special needs students’ education.
During the late 1990s, when she was at the West Seneca Developmental Center, Sister Marie de Paul started painting. Primarily a hobby, one of Sister’s paintings was on exhibit at the Rosewell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo. Currently, her paintings are found all around the Clarence Residence. “In my paintings, I like to show the beauty in the world that God gave us. It is a gift available to all.”
Sister is eagerly awaiting warmer weather when she can get outside and continue her passion for painting!
SOAR! is grateful for Sister Marie de Paul’s gifts as an educator and artist. A photo of one of Sister’s paintings, “Serenity and Peace; Memories of the Past,” is included in this blog post.
Thanks to SOAR! donors, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Buffalo received a grant in the Spring of 2021 to purchase two special electronic magnifiers which help Sisters with visual issues, like Sister Marie de Paul, remain active readers.