SOAR! and the NRRO
We are often asked “What is the difference between the National Religious Retirement Office and SOAR!?”
While both organizations are committed to the needs of religious, particularly the elderly, each has a different focus in responding to this urgent crisis. SOAR! and the NRRO enjoy a close working relationship as they strive to meet the variety of needs confronting our nation’s elderly Sisters, Brothers and Priests.
While these two national organizations have similar missions, though, their daily objectives differ a great deal.
SOAR! strives to address the immediate and, often, physical needs of retired religious. NRRO, on the other hand, focuses on helping religious institutes build funds to pay for the long-term needs of their retired and infirm members and assisting religious institutes in planning for a viable future.
NRRO’s primary responsibility is to coordinate the Retirement Fund for Religious annual appeal through a national collection taken up once a year, usually during Advent, in the parishes.
For the nation’s retired religious, both missions are vitally important. Together, NRRO and SOAR! are helping to secure stable financial futures and peace of mind for the countless women and men religious who have given so much to the Catholic Church in the United States.