Sister Peggy Dawson, MM

Sister Peggy Dawson, MM, who joined the Maryknoll Sisters in 1946, recently took the time to share insights from her life in ministry in an interview with SOAR!.
What attracted you to become a Sister?
I was a convert; after four years I felt a calling and became attracted to giving my life to Jesus, it was just irresistible after a while. Not knowing much about Sisters, my spiritual director named a couple of orders and I chose Maryknoll.
As you look at your years of faithful service, what has been your greatest joy? Your greatest challenge?
It’s difficult to pick out one greatest joy, I have had so many. But, I am a teacher and I truly fond great joy in working with minority children who were poor and disadvantaged. My biggest challenge would be having a class of 55 first graders in St. Louis Missouri! ha
Can you share a story or some insight about a favorite time in ministry?
When I discovered I could do art and become an artist; which led me to becoming an art teacher in a high school in Maui, HI.
Each part of our life journey is touched by the holy, and we in turn are asked to bring Christ to others. Can you share such a moment from your life?
When I was working with the young women in the Villages in Papua New Guinea located above Australia. These teenage girls whole lives were focused on marriage and having kids, I was able to teach them to look beyond just that and taught them many skills.
Do you have a word of wisdom you’d like to share with people?
Be happy, and try to make God’s love visible wherever you go.
The Maryknoll Sisters recently received a grant to pay for medical equipment and furniture for their retired Sisters, including upright walkers to offer support and more upright posture. “The upright walker helps me to move more quickly. Very nice!” said Sister Peggy.