Benedictine Sisters at Benet Hill Monastery

On an ordinary day in April, the Benedictine Sisters at Benet Hill Monastery in Colorado Springs, Colorado, woke to discover their home had been broken into the night before. Cash was taken from the monastery offices. The offices are right next to the living area where the oldest and frailest Sisters reside.
The peace of the monastery was quickly replaced by fear.
We all feel vulnerable when our homes are broken into. The damage done by a break-in far exceeds broken locks and doors. The feelings of uneasiness, of being violated, and of not feeling safe in your home linger.
The Sisters turned to SOAR! for an emergency grant. And because SOAR! can turn to its faithful donors like you, a $25,000 grant was awarded. The Sisters were able to begin the project of securing their home – improving lighting, alarms and adding surveillance equipment.
Read more about how you can support our emergency fund.