First Communion Memories: Sister Flora Marinelli, CSJ

My first year as a Director of Religious Education was challenging and motivating as I did my best to instruct and minister to the Children of St. Patrick’s Parish and their parents.
When our First Holy Communion Day arrived it began with bright sunshine and an array of gorgeous white dresses, veils, navy blue suits and white arm-bands. However, my heart sank as I saw one of our students dressed in a very simple white dress, no sleeves, and a white laced handkerchief on her head! She obviously stood out, and I was taught an important lesson! It’s not the outside, but what’s within, that counts.
The following year all the students, both girls and boys wore white gowns so that all were as one, prepared to receive the Lord for the first time!
The lesson was shared with the parents beforehand, and 35 years later, I’m still working on the inside.